According to Reese, it’s “a great opportunity for a lost soul story.” You can basically imagine the sort of obliteration that Deadpool can release in the greater MCU. At the point when he’s done disparaging people, they could want Thanos’ return.

“Deadpool is a hypochondriac at the point of convergence of a film,” Reese adds. “To drop a hypochondriac in a very reasonable world, it’s straight spread. It will be genuinely fun.”

We’ve had a couple of affirmations from Disney metal and Wernick and Reese themselves that the progress to the MCU won’t fix Deadpool’s nauseating humor, and even with Shawn Duty planning the third part, guess that the disarray ought to continue unabated.

— Will (@WilliamD1123) September 27, 2022

Deadpool 3, as of the current second, notwithstanding, doesn’t have an arranged conveyance date.