That said, I didn’t really take my time in the area. I explored a bit, but I didn’t check every nook and cranny. I’m not really a completionist, more of a 80%-ist.

Unfortunately, that led to me making a few mistakes. I hope this article will help your journey through the Cathedral go better than mine!

Tip #1: Don’t Miss Siegward of Catarina and Unbreakable Patches!

Somehow I missed not one, but BOTH of these gentlemen.

…well, Unbreakable Patches is actually a bit of a jerk. But since he’s been in every Dark Souls game, you gotta love him. Plus he sells some decent gear, including something that Siegward needs! 

You encounter Siegward first, just outside the first bonfire. Here’s a short video showing you how to complete this part of his questline:

You don’t have to complete his questline of course, but it’s fun and you get some nice stuff for doing it. 

As far as Unbreakable Patches goes, this goober tricks you later on in the area. Here’s a video that shows where to find him:

In case you miss Patches here, you can also find him later at Firelink Shrine. If you go up to the old shrine, he will lock you in the tower, forcing you to drop down to get out. 

Tip #2: Like Shooting Things? Don’t Miss the Arbalest

I spent as little time as possible hanging out on the roof of the Cathedral of the Deep. 

…heights make me squeamish, okay? Leave me alone.

Unfortunately that led to me missing a nice crossbow, the Arbalest. Although I’m personally more of a bow guy (if using a ranged weapon at all,) this is still a fun toy.

Here’s a short video showing you were to find Dark Souls III’s Arbalest:

Tip #3: Want Help for the Easiest Boss of the Game?

Seriously – the Deacons of the Deep were a joke. I beat them on my first try, and anyone who doesn’t think its the easiest boss in the game is looney.

But in case you want help anyways- or to just hang out with some NPC phantoms, there are two summon signs at the top of the boss stairs for Anri and Horace. I missed them because I didn’t use my ember to kindle until I got to the bottom of the stairs. Of course the signs wouldn’t be right in front of the fog gate! I mean, who does that?

Granted – I didn’t actually need their help for this one. But I liked Anri, so it would’ve been nice to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her for the fight.

Tip #4: Don’t Miss Longfinger Kirk

Since I tend to complete most areas in Dark Souls games in hollow/unkindled form, I tend to miss a lot of NPC invasions. In this case, I missed the man, the myth, the LEGEND known as Kirk.

And even though fighting an NPC invader isn’t always worth it, taking down Kirk definitely is. Because after you beat him and find his body, you get his armor, the Armor of Thorns set. It’s not amazing, but the fun thing about it is it damages enemies if you quickstep or roll into them.

Here’s where Kirk invades – just don’t forget to be kindled! Also, he won’t invade if you’ve already beaten the Deacons.

Tip #5: Want to Respec? Don’t Miss this Covenant

Probably one of the most useful covenants in Dark Souls III, Rosaria’s Fingers allows you to reset your character’s attributes. You stay the same level but get all of your spent points back, allowing you to change your faith build to dex, luck build to strength, or whatever.

…and of course I missed it. #thatswhatIgetforrushing #Ididntwannarespecanyway 

To avoid making the same mistake I did, here’s where to find Rosaria’s Fingers, as well as Kirk’s armor (assuming you listened to my last tip and killed Spikebro.)

That’s it! I hope these tips help you get through Dark Souls III’s Cathedral of the Deep without making the same mistakes I did.